If you do a search for golf equipment, and click on a website, you are unlikely to end up buying, or clicking on a banner if it is relating to handbags. Your visitors would behave in the same way. In

order to best serve them you will need to look at placing ads within each content page that is relevant to what you are writing. This is usually in the form of banners or affiliate recommendations as

in the above example. This can be a lot of work to maintain as each post is likely to have substantially different contentue.

The art of maximizing your AdSense income is to understand how to attract high paying ads onto your pages and then drive a lot of traffic to those pages. Once you've done that you can look

forward to getting paid by Google on a regular basis which makes Google AdSense one of the most attractive affiliate programs on the internet today.


Blending the Ads with Your Website

This is probably the most important tip when putting your google ads on your website. You must blend in your ads with your website. So if you have a white background for your website, use

white background for your google ads. You need to steer away from using the standard formats, as they result in a low number of clicks. If you do that, you will find your click through rate jump

instantly. This is due to the fact that you will make the visitors think that your ads are part of your content, and don't seem to look like ads, so they will most likely to click on the ads.

Use Text Links Ads, they generate a higher income.

I don't know why, but somehow, text links ads, especially the horizontal ones, generate a very high click through rate and revenue. I have experimented on many sites and text links ads usually

perform very well.

It is very simple. Put pictures on top or very close to your ads. By doing that, you will attract more attention and people will be more likely to click on your ads. However, please do be careful that

you don't get random pictures off Google, as many pictures are protected by copyright laws. Please use only pictures that are royalty free.